Friday, December 9, 2011

Flores de Otro Mundo

Lonely Spanish men organize a matchmaking festival with a busload of women from South America.  The film focuses on a couple of the matchups, as well as a couple of non-matched people.  There are two immediate matches:  Patricia, a Santo Domingan with two young kids, with Damian, a meek farmer who lives with his mother; and Marirosi, a supposed virgin, with Alfonso, a greenhouse gardener, who are both almost middle aged. There's Damian's middle aged friend Carmelo brings his sexy young girlfriend over from Cuba, Milady--she's going to see how she likes it here before she decides if she wants to marry Carmelo.

Patricia and Milady become fast friends. Patricia and Damian marry right away and his mother doesn't seem to like it. Milady, who is more interested in nightclubbing, is soon attracted to other younger men while the older Carmelo waits jealously. She also seems to have a suitor back in Cuba.   Patricia's ex seeks her out and causes some tension. Marirosi and Alfonso seem to have the most rosy and romantic relationship, they write long distance love notes as Marirosi works at a hospital elsewhere.

The relationships have their ups and downs, and soon it is spring again and the town is preparing for their next matchmaking event.

I assumed this would be a comedy in a typcial romantic comedy vein, but I think it is more sensitive and real than that.  The film focuses on these three central relationships.  The people are real-looking and the levels of relationships are realistic too.

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