Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Piece of Work

This documentary follows the longtime comic Joan Rivers through her working hours. She is a workaholic who understands that she needs to really work it to maintain her career and public profile, especially at this stage in her life. You can tell she is afraid to be considered a dinosaur in an age of youth (but when has that never been the case in Hollywood?) Seeing her cohorts pass away or relationships disintegrating, she is losing her circle/network which is depressing her. Joan also still expects to be treated like royalty due to her tenure and place in history as one of the very first breakout female comics, but she is realistic enough to realize that is not always going to happen. Yet it still disappoints her when it doesn't happen, even in small comedy clubs.

Joan seems like she is still living in the past, particularly her breakup with the late Johnny Carson. This breakup looks like it is still very hurtful, as supposedly she was blacklisted from NBC and has not appeared on that network since then (except once recently I think on some interview). The doc touches a bit on her relationship with daughter Melissa as they appear on a reality show together, but this relationship to me doesn't seem to be reciprocated very well (what is her daughter known for other than being the daughter of a famous celebrity?) Although I've herad her late husband Edgar was a big part of her life, very little of this documentary talks about him.

Joan certainly looks like a survivor though.

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