Friday, August 12, 2011

Spine-Tingler! The William Castle Story

Joe Dante's film Matinee stars a character, played by John Goodman, that is probably an homage to its real life counterpart, William Castle. Castle was a filmmaker in the 1950-60s that used viral campaigns to lure theatre-goers to his B or C grade science fiction and horror films. He used things like insurance against death, real nurses in the lobby to tend to fainting moviegoers, early 3-D, contests, and visual gimmicks. He also wanted to be a serious filmmaker, and the closest he got was producing Rosemary's Baby, a film he actually wanted to direct (and as we all know that task went to Roman Polanski). If William Castle sounds intriguing, I suggest you check out Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story. Even I had no idea who he was and he was still a fascinating subject.

The commentary track with the filmmaker and Castle's daughter speculated what he could have done with today's technology--internet, social media, mobile, apps, etc.

Spine Tingler is part of a set of William Castle DVDs issued recently. It contains 8 of his films from the 1960s and I hear they all have some good extra features.

And while you're at it, check out Matinee too, it is pretty funny and old-fashioned scary, and co-stars Omri Katz, a good kid actor who's since dropped out of Hollywood.

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